Solvd is Taking Part in Shoptalk 2023: Discover E-commerce Testing With Solvd

Solvd taking part in Shoptalk
By , Technical Copywriter

Solvd is thrilled to announce that we'll be participating in the Shoptalk Conference from May 9-11. Our experienced head of growth, Aliaksandr Dzenisionak, will be participating in one of the top e-commerce conferences in 2023 and he’ll present our cutting-edge approaches and solutions for e-commerce software testing.

Shoptalk Conference 2023

The Shoptalk Conference is one of the most highly anticipated events in the modern e-commerce industry. It’s an annual event that brings thousands of industry leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs from around the world together to discuss up-to-date tendencies, technologies, and strategies concerning the e-commerce industry.

This event will be a tremendous opportunity for businesses of all sizes, from fledgling start-ups all the way up to established, large companies. It’s a forum that’s great for exchanging experiences and valuable insights. It’s also a conducive environment for networking with like-minded professionals.

Solvd is Your Trusted Partner for E-commerce Testing

Businesses today have common challenges which include figuring out how to provide a targeted audience with high-quality software, intuitive navigation, engaging content, high download speeds, and a hassle-free shopping experience. Solvd is here to help you overcome these challenges quickly and with less risk. Our certified specialists use manual and automated testing to detect not only the bugs that already exist but also those that can potentially arise in the future and eliminate them.  

E-commerce software is not just about the user, it’s also about having convenient system management, so we always approach e-commerce testing from both the storefront side and the admin side. 

It covers such functionalities as:

  • product catalog

  • checkout process

  • payment process

  • shipping options

  • user management

  • product management

  • order management system

  • promotional management

  • content management

Solvd performs all of the testing types necessary to ensure that your product meets the highest quality standards that today’s market requires as well as the demanding needs and expectations of users.

  • security testing

  • user-acceptance testing

  • localization testing

  • integration testing

If you’re looking to be successful in today’s demanding and competitive market, minimize your risk, save both time and money, build long-term relationships with customers, and increase CTR, then contact Aliaksandr Dzenisionak and we’ll get a meeting set up right away! Share your challenges with our head of growth and he’ll point you towards effective solutions. Get ready to take your business up to the next level with Solvd's outstanding approaches and innovative strategies. See you over at Shoptalk 2023!

Gaydova Christina
Technical Copywriter
Christina Gaydova, Technical Copywriter, graduated from BSU with a Bachelor's degree in Chinese and Italian linguistics and culture. Since childhood, she has been fond of writing and literature. Believes in the power of words and their influence on people. She draws inspiration from incredible stories of people, books, music, and travel.

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